VVSS Governing Council will be holding the 2023 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22 February 2023, commencing at 6.00pm.

We are seeking nominations from the parents & families within our school community to fill positions on our Governing Council.
We are seeking commitment to:
– Becoming a member of the Governing Council, providing an opportunity to engage with other parents
– Supporting the implementation of the VVSS Vision Statement
– Contribution to the development of local policies
– An opportunity to be a part of site improvement planning
To nominate to become an elected member of Valley View Secondary School’s Governing Council, please complete the nomination form below.
All families are welcome to attend the AGM, with light refreshments provided on the night.
To RSVP, please call 8360 6111 or email: dl.1184.info@schools.sa.edu.au
For a full description of each position, please view our ‘Position Description’ document below.