Some important changes to our timetable which will take effect as of 2019. Key points and changes are listed below, and a table outlining bell and lesson times in more detail is attached.Of note for students and families are the following points:

  • Times for the beginning and end of the day do not change. Students are still required to be at school and in class for lessons to start by 8.40am and are dismissed at 3.10pm. A warning bell will sound at 8.35am.
  • Early dismissal day moves from 2.30pm Mondays to 2.25pm Wednesdays. This facilitates opportunities for school leaders to strategically plan and deliver professional learning for staff and evenly breaks up the school week for students.
  • Students will have two learning blocks per week for each subject. This has been achieved by absorbing the 45-minute single lesson for the week into the double lessons, to make two longer learning blocks.
  • Home group has moved from the beginning of the day to after recess, to incentivise punctuality and increase opportunities for relationship building and case management by vertical home group teachers.
  • Recess and lunch have both moved to be an hour earlier, as a result of student feedback.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss these changes further, please contact the school on (08) 8360 6111.

A timetable can be found in the document located here.