Dear parent/caregiver(s)
The Premier today announced that schools will re-open to all students on Wednesday 28 July.
As a result, Valley View Secondary School will be open and operating as normal, but with some restrictions.
Learning at Home is only for students who are required to self-isolate as directed by SA Health. Please inform the school if you have received formal communication from SA Health so that we can update our attendance records accordingly.
Students remaining in isolation will need to communicate with their teachers via email/DayMap and access all learning activities and resources from DayMap or follow alternative instructions provided by their teacher. Video-conferencing will not be available as we anticipate almost all students will be returning to school.
Coming out of the hard-lockdown will mean the following restrictions remain in place:
- whole school assemblies, performances and events will be cancelled or postponed
- all excursions involving transport will be cancelled or postposed
- sporting events outside of school will be cancelled or postponed, however physical education will continue on site only
- school staff will continue to practice physical distancing from other adults at all times, including when in the staff room
- staff meetings will be held on-line
- the number of parents, volunteers and non-urgent providers will be kept to a minimum
- direct services for students will be accommodated on site (eg speech pathology, psychologists etc)
Subject Information Evening
Subject information evening that was scheduled for Wednesday 28 July will be cancelled. More information will be coming out in the next week.
* Face masks in schools
The Department for Education has provided specific instructions around the use of face masks in school:
- all students attending Valley View should carry a mask with them and wear it indoors – and where congregating (ie canteen, House meetings)
- staff will wear a mask while indoors, except when teaching or engaging with students
- staff will wear a mask in meeting rooms when present with other adults, and not eating and drinking
- a mask will be worn when travelling on school buses and public transport
- all adult visitors to Valley View are also required to wear a mask
*Please note that masks will be available from the front office or student services.
Keeping up-to-date
I encourage all families and their students to keep abreast of all current information by liking our Facebook and Instagram page.
A big thank you to all students and families who have supported us and engaged in the delivery of on-line learning over the lockdown.
We look forward to seeing your child back at school tomorrow.
Kind regards
Yvette Swaalf