Dear Parents/Caregivers
Please be advised that the Year 7 – 8 Transition Day planned for Thursday November 26 will be proceeding as scheduled, however the Parent Information Evening has been postponed due to the current COVID-19 restrictions.
We kindly request that parent/caregivers drop students off at the front of the school from 8.30am for an 8.40am start and collect at 3pm. Parent/Caregivers are not permitted to enter the site. We will have staff located out the front of the school to greet students and direct to the relevant location.
Students are reminded to bring their hat, drink bottle and come dressed in their primary school uniform. Recess and lunch will be provided.
As per SA Health information Students / Caregivers who display any symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to remain home and seek medical advice.
In support of the day we seek your RSVP of your child’s intention to attend by 3pm Wednesday 25 November for catering purposes. This also enables us to keep you informed of any upcoming information in the event of your student being absent.
Please phone 8360 6111 or email to Sue Myles.
Kind Regards
Yvette Swaalf