School starts at 8.40am each day.
Please advise the school as early as possible to advise of your child’s absence. There are a variety of ways to communicate this information:
- Daymap Parent Portal
- Text message to absence line
- Phone call to Student Services – 8360 6111
For more information on these options, click HERE to read about our absence notification processes.
If your child is marked “unexplained” for Block 1 and the school has not received notification, a text message will be sent to the first parent/caregiver’s mobile number as recorded in our student database.
Punctuality is important. Students who arrive after 8.40am must have a note written by a parent/caregiver indicating the reason and must report to Student Services to sign in. If the student does not have a note, their diary will be stamped with an unexplained absence stamp.
Students who leave early from school must have a parent/caregiver note indicating a reason. Students must attend Student Services to sign out and provide the note.
Students who are absent for three or more days due to illness must provide a medical certificate.
Please contact the front office or student services to obtain an Exemption Form if your child/children will be absent for more than five consecutive days.
It is not acceptable for parents/caregivers to notify the school of lateness or absence via their child’s electronic device (eg mobile phone).